
The May 25 Astro Vibe is positive and deep🌟💜🌟It’s a feeling of emotional and psychic upliftment through the beautiful water trine of Jupiter in Scorpio to Neptune in Pisces💜It feels spiritually supportive and as if dreams and visions really can come true💜Take the risk to show your love for someone or something that really matters, that has value💜Open your heart to faith and trust and express it with the support of Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn💜And yet know your own worth, your own value as you confront deeper layers in relationships that are currently undergoing transformation💜This Venus in Cancer opposing Saturn in Capricorn aspect can have us feeling the feels of vulnerability in the face of judgement…mostly our own judgement about our own sensitivities💜Cut yourself & others some slack. Break out the compassion for self & others💜It’s a nice shortcut to painfully and obsessively overthinking things. This Too Shall Pass🌟💜🌟Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings & Prices 🌟💜🌟#horoscope #astrology

May 25, 2018

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