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January 5 Astrology🔥We step into the Ring of Fire today on this New Moon in Capricorn Partial Solar Eclipse day🔥All Eclipses try us…If not in sudden, obvious, hit you over the head ways, then in more continuous long term subtle ways of prodding our growth and spiritual evolution🔥Today’s eclipse begins a new cycle of Eclipses on the Capricorn/Cancer axis for the next 18 months🔥We will be focused on Father/Mother issues; Security of Self, Home and Finances; and Earth/Water/Yin Feminine Energy🔥The eclipse today falls on the South Node of the Moon representing a release of something so we can move on with the Energy of the New Moon Beginnings🔥The Letting Go can be as simple as decluttering your space so the energy flows easily and you just feel better🔥Tomorrow the Great Disruptor Uranus stations Direct in Aries in its last degrees before heading into Taurus🔥This is a kick in the butt, an underscore, a fire lit to, again, Let Go of the Old as the New comes Surging in with All Planets in Forward Movement now through early March🔥After all the planetary Retrogrades last year this Energy will feel like a Beautiful #Wild Stallion running across the Plains🔥🐎Luckily, we have a stellium of Capricorn Planets…Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node of the Moon…to help contain and direct this radical and inspiring new surge of Energy🔥🐎And, there’s a super nice sextile from Saturn in Capricorn to Neptune in Pisces lending outstanding support for Visioning, Vision Quests & Vision Boards✨👁✨There are, however, no planets in Air, so Breathe, Take Breaks And give yourself Space to integrate along the way✨🌝✨Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings✨🌝✨#astrology #horoscope #zodiac

January 5, 2019

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