
January 27 Astrology🌟Under the waning light of the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio we pause to get our bearings🌟We see how much mental/emotional/physical debris and clutter still stands between us and our Visions, Dreams & Goals, and Get to work🌟To create with vision and passion and the Creator’s Impulse is the task at hand🌟We start over again where we are in the thick of it and humbly continue the deep dark work that must be done🌟The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius have intense electrical ideas to download from the skies midweek. It’s a bit too much. A big head trip basically. Ground & center as best you can and stay on track🌟Thankfully The energy softens and balances out on the 31st with Saturn in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces…our work and creativity find cosmic inspiration and practical application🌟Things get tricky with Independent Venus in Sagittarius and our relationship skill set on Saturday as She harmonizes a bit too intensely with Radical Uranus in Aries, and massive emotions are triggered by challenges from Chiron in Watery Pisces🌟Take good care of yourself and set healthy boundaries🌟Have great compassion for yourself and others around Friday as Mars in Aries is challenged by Pluto in Capricorn…bullies will be bullies, so stay out of bad neighborhoods, especially those in your own head🌟Give people space. Lay off your agendas. Don’t push things. This Too Shall Pass🌟#astrology #horoscope #zodiac

January 27, 2019

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The #fullmoon #glowing #preparing for the #lunareclipse #bloodwolfmoon2019 #tonight✨🌗✨

January 20, 2019

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Enjoy a lil pre-Eclipse Candlelight Restoratives practice with us over at YogaWorks Laguna Beach today 4pm🧘‍♀️🕯#soundhealing #rainstick #aromatherapy #candlelight

January 20, 2019

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January 20 Astrology Energy Report🌟It’s the Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo at 0• of Infinite Possibilities for Change, Awakening, Creativity, Leadership, And Courage💫🌗💫The Sun moves into the Eccentric-Independent -Air Sign -Mental Aquarius today just as it’s Ruling Planet Uranus in Aries fires up the Eclipse Axis☄️☄️☄️Expect Change. Anything is Possible⚡️🌗⚡️A Nice Reflection from Sri Swami Sachidananda on Yoga Sutras 2.18 is that “Nothing in Nature can bring the mind continuous, unchanging happiness, because the mind itself changes constantly…the secret of our wanting change is that the mind changes…we can just allow things to change without clinging to them. If something changes, we should let it go—something else will come…All of Life is Passing Show.”✨🌗✨Slow down, quiet down the mind today with #meditation and time in #nature✌️🕉✌️#complexitygraphics by #tatianaplekhova🌟#astrology #horoscope #astrologyreadings #energyreport #eclipse #superbloodwolfmooneclipse2019 #zodiacsigns #leo #aquarius #yogasutras #sachinandanaswami #truth #change #evolve #transformation #changeyourmindset #yoga #yogalife #meditation #courage #creativity #anythingispossible #newportbeach #lagunabeach #huntingtonbeach

January 20, 2019

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Join us for a #blissful #serene #relaxing #Candlelight Restorative Yoga Practice Tonight at YogaWorks Newport Beach 6:45 pm🕯Guided Pranayama, Meditation & Rainstick Sound Healing will bring you into balance..Body, Mind & Soul 🕉🌟🧘‍♀️#yogaworks #newportbeach

January 16, 2019

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January 13 Astrology🌟Is Time Expanding or Contracting? In the wonky MidPoint of the Current Eclipse Cycle both are True. We are experiencing Multiple Realities, and Multiple Dimensions converging and receding Simultaneously. It’s confusing times right? 🌟We Astrologers can say it’s this planet or that planet affecting us, this aspect or that, and yet it’s more than we can fully describe🌟But We Can All Feel this Stuff right! And it’s Intense🌟This time between the recent New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn and the upcoming Full Moon Eclipse in Leo asks us to hang loose in the Dream Time, the the Liminal No Reality and Create🌟Detaching from our conception of what’s supposedly True and what’s not in the Outside World is a Shape-Shifting Gift that is Terrifying and Freeing all at once🌟Letting Go into the Multiple Dimensions of Space and Time through Inner Reflection, through Creativity, through Walks in Nature, through Spiritual Practices is the key. 🌟Listen to your Heart. Slow down your Breath. Open to Love. Pick up your paintbrush, guitar, surfboard or yoga mat🌟Open to Being the Space In Between with No Sure Answers except that you are Alive Experiencing It All, that You Are the Energy of Timeless Space…Expanding, Contracting, Feeling & Creating🌟#astrology #beherenow

January 13, 2019

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I’ll be at YogaWorks Laguna Beach today and Sunday teaching Rene’s 4 pm Hatha 1-2🕉🧘‍♀️#yoga #lagunabeach #yogaworks_oc

January 11, 2019

View on Instagram http://bit.ly/2H5q4IH

See you for Candlelight Restoratives tonight at YogaWorks Newport Beach 6:45 pm🧘‍♂️✨🧘‍♀️#yoga #newportbeach #yogaworks_oc

January 9, 2019

View on Instagram http://bit.ly/2SLe8gR

January 5 Astrology🔥We step into the Ring of Fire today on this New Moon in Capricorn Partial Solar Eclipse day🔥All Eclipses try us…If not in sudden, obvious, hit you over the head ways, then in more continuous long term subtle ways of prodding our growth and spiritual evolution🔥Today’s eclipse begins a new cycle of Eclipses on the Capricorn/Cancer axis for the next 18 months🔥We will be focused on Father/Mother issues; Security of Self, Home and Finances; and Earth/Water/Yin Feminine Energy🔥The eclipse today falls on the South Node of the Moon representing a release of something so we can move on with the Energy of the New Moon Beginnings🔥The Letting Go can be as simple as decluttering your space so the energy flows easily and you just feel better🔥Tomorrow the Great Disruptor Uranus stations Direct in Aries in its last degrees before heading into Taurus🔥This is a kick in the butt, an underscore, a fire lit to, again, Let Go of the Old as the New comes Surging in with All Planets in Forward Movement now through early March🔥After all the planetary Retrogrades last year this Energy will feel like a Beautiful #Wild Stallion running across the Plains🔥🐎Luckily, we have a stellium of Capricorn Planets…Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node of the Moon…to help contain and direct this radical and inspiring new surge of Energy🔥🐎And, there’s a super nice sextile from Saturn in Capricorn to Neptune in Pisces lending outstanding support for Visioning, Vision Quests & Vision Boards✨👁✨There are, however, no planets in Air, so Breathe, Take Breaks And give yourself Space to integrate along the way✨🌝✨Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings✨🌝✨#astrology #horoscope #zodiac

January 5, 2019

View on Instagram http://bit.ly/2SCS7AP

January 2 Astrology🌟We’re heading into Eclipse Season. This weekend brings a New Moon in Capricorn Partial Solar Eclipse✨🌗✨I wonder where in your chart the Capricorn/Cancer Eclipse axis falls on the Nodes of your Past & Future Destiny Points of Transformation & Integration✨🌗✨#nofilter #newportbeach #astrology

January 2, 2019

View on Instagram http://bit.ly/2SzhEKW

About Me

About Me

Hi, I'm Jan! I am an Intuitive Astrologer and long-time teacher of Hatha Yoga. I give Heart-Centered Astrology-Tarot Card Readings, Chakra Empowerment Sessions, and teach on-going Yoga Classes at YogaWorks in Newport Beach, CA.

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