
October 29 Astrology🌟We have been getting deep into the meat of healing ourselves and our relationships with Venus Retrograde in Scorpio🌟That trend continues this week with Venus opposing Uranus in Taurus at 0• of Infinite Possibilities on Wednesday🌟Later that day Venus moves back into the sign of Libra where she’ll play soft ball until she comes back around to her hard ball home run in Scorpio in December🌟Don’t underestimate her time in Libra though. She’s said to be like an “iron fist in a velvet glove” to get her way🌟Meanwhile, Jupiter is winding down its year long stay in Scorpio (#metoo movement) and inching closer to its true home in Sagittarius🌟We have Mercury in Scorpio conjunct Jupiter on Monday uplifting our communications, and hopefully receiving some amazing spiritual downloads🌟Then Mercury heads into Sagittarius too and the sky’s the limit for communicating our hopes, wishes and dreams🌟In the midst of the week we come to the Last Quarter Moon in Leo giving us pause to consider not only how far we’ve come since the beginning of October, but also how far we’ve come over the last year and a half as a Collective of Humans under the Karmic/Destiny Lessons of the Leo/Aquarius Nodal Axis🌟Our coming few weeks of Scorpio Season always draws us inward towards reflection, meditation, and transformation🌟Embrace your Depths, and Love your Shadow’s Secrets enough to Pull Your Own Covers on What No Longer Serves You🌟Open, through Inner Gateway upon Inner Gateway to All Forms of Your Shimmering Golden Goodness🌟Be the Light you desire in others🌟Remember Scorpio is the Phoenix rising from the Ashes🌟Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings & Prices🌟 #horoscope #astrology

October 29, 2018

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