
March 14 Astrology💦👁💦This week is taking an inordinate amount of persistence & surrender in equal amounts (Jupiter in Scorpio semisquare Saturn in Capricorn). They are taking us deep and slow into an unknown territory of restrictions, revelations and rebirth😹🆗😹This is not so easy to palate in these Pisces days that prefer to dream, create, and float endlessly through the higher realms of cosmic consciousness🌈🌬🌈🌬Mars in Sagittarius squares Chiron in Pisces today insisting on Healing through a necessary cutting to the core of the wound to remove the poison⚡️💜⚡️It hurts, and is given additional laser treatment near the New Moon with the Sun conjunct Chiron⚡️💜⚡️Ouch❗️All the while we are blasted by massive waves of photonic light hitting the earth this week through cracks in the Equinox field✨✨✨This Healing Manifesto is crowned by the Pisces New Moon on Saturday the 18th🌸🌙🌸These powerful rays of light force us to drop old stories & delete old time lines no longer necessary or useful to our individual lives or Collective Good. Ancestral Healing is happening. Tune in for their guidance as DNA gets rebooted. Remember we chose to come in at this time. No victims only volunteers basically🌸💜🌸Stay heart centered and in complete integrity for best results. Review The 4️⃣ Agreements, The Tao of Pooh🐻🍯, and The Littlest Angel👼for further guidance. Drink tons of pure water, eat plant-based, and lots of yoga, nature, meditation & prayer. You’re worth it👍🏆👍Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings & Prices👍🏆👍horoscope #astrology

March 13, 2018

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