June 23 AstrologyI’ve been remiss in Astro Updates…SorryAnyhoo this funny photo of #salvidordali and his lovely paramour kind of tell the story of that crazy Summer Solstice Energy yesterday. Mars in Aquarius (Kooky, Out-Of-Bounds Masculine Energy) opposed Venus in Leo (Regal, Creative Feminine Energy) on yesterday’s Peak of Light~Summer SolsticeThat’s radical enough, but they were both sitting on opposite thrones of our Collective Karma/Drama. And they reflect the Eclipse Energies of Last August, and the 3 Eclipses this coming July and August. More is playing out in the balance between Masculine and Feminine, between Science and Creativity, between Right Brain and Left Brain, between You and Me, between Past and Future, and Shadow and Light. We are blowing our minds daily though we think it’s the world gone crazy. We signed up for this folks, so embrace it. It’s Our Evolution/Revolution happening right between our own two ears.And now that we’ve entered the astrological Season of Cancer we’ll definitely be feeling our feelings about all this. It’s probably time to do some more Inner Child work as you embrace the new awarenesses in your own Inner Masculine/Feminine rebalanceNotice the nuances of power shifts between your feelings and your thoughts. And don’t take it personal or too serious. Just let the roles flip back and forth. Be Dali. Be the Queen. And Everything In Between. Stay Open & Curious. Let it Be as you and the outer reflection of the world shape shift all over the placeCluck on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing & Prices#horoscope #astrology