
January 23 Astrology ✨💜✨In the Age of Aquarius we are Visioning and Trusting. We are building the Inner and Outer Bridge to that Unknown But Sure Place of our Highest Good✨💙✨There is a Gateway within You that Knows The Magic, Beauty, Love and Light you are here to Share✨💜✨Trust Your Heart-song today. Open to Faith in the Glimmer of Deep Knowing that is Reaching Out to you from your Soul and take one Baby Step Be it Rest & Meditation, Yoga, Creativity, Service to Others. Your Heart Knows the Way to the Bridge and Across to the Other Side✨💙✨Click on the Link in my Profile to see my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings & Chakra Balancing Clearing Offerings & Prices✨🧜‍♀️✨#transformationtuesday #inspiration

January 23, 2018

View on Instagram http://ift.tt/2rAAKHC

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