
January 13 Astrology🌟Is Time Expanding or Contracting? In the wonky MidPoint of the Current Eclipse Cycle both are True. We are experiencing Multiple Realities, and Multiple Dimensions converging and receding Simultaneously. It’s confusing times right? 🌟We Astrologers can say it’s this planet or that planet affecting us, this aspect or that, and yet it’s more than we can fully describe🌟But We Can All Feel this Stuff right! And it’s Intense🌟This time between the recent New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn and the upcoming Full Moon Eclipse in Leo asks us to hang loose in the Dream Time, the the Liminal No Reality and Create🌟Detaching from our conception of what’s supposedly True and what’s not in the Outside World is a Shape-Shifting Gift that is Terrifying and Freeing all at once🌟Letting Go into the Multiple Dimensions of Space and Time through Inner Reflection, through Creativity, through Walks in Nature, through Spiritual Practices is the key. 🌟Listen to your Heart. Slow down your Breath. Open to Love. Pick up your paintbrush, guitar, surfboard or yoga mat🌟Open to Being the Space In Between with No Sure Answers except that you are Alive Experiencing It All, that You Are the Energy of Timeless Space…Expanding, Contracting, Feeling & Creating🌟#astrology #beherenow

January 13, 2019

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