
December 3 Astrology🌟As we head into the New Moon in Sagittarius late Thursday night (also when Mercury stations Direct) we are immersed in the Element of Water🌟We have a near exact Grand Trine with Mercury Retrograde, the Moon and Ceres/the Great Earth Mother in Scorpio, Chiron the Wounded Healer/Teacher in Pisces, and our Collective Karma/Destiny North Node of the Moon in Cancer🌟This Water Triplicity of Planets and Collective Karma/Destiny in late degrees of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer leads the way to greater Letting go of old grudges, old emotional patterns, and old wounds. We will FEEL and KNOW this stuff is a drag, and not worth sacrificing our health, sanity, relationships and ecology for anymore🌟We are all Interconnected, StarDust & Golden. We are nearly 90% Water each and every one of us🌟This week tap into how you really feel when you are unforgiving and judgmental towards yourself and others. It feels so heavy like sludge. Yuck..Notice that🌟Love yourself & others, and Course correct throughout each day🌟Use tools of Prayer, Meditation, Yoga, Sage, Crystals, Essential Oils, Fresh Organic Foods, Fresh Pure Water, Time in Nature to Release, Heal and Restore your Pure Flowing Water Nature🌟You’ll Feel So Much Better I promise. And, know that I’m working on it too🌟Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings & Prices🌟#astrology #horoscope #zodiac

December 3, 2018

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