
Dec 21 Astrology🌟WINTER SOLSTICE BLESSING AS THE LIGHT RETURNS🌟The Sun now moves into Capricorn…”the mystical goat with a dolphins tail ascending the heights from the depths of the Sea” (Jim Maynard~Pocket Astrologer)🌟This is a special time of our year as Nature turns inward to seed Intentions for the coming year🌟This is not a logical, make a list process. Instead, it is an intuitive, dreamy, vision questing time🌟Our Inner Masculine logic rests as our Natural Feminine Intuition actively seeks through meditation, cozy fires and quiet creativity. ✨🕯✨Many Planets are in their Exalted Rulerships including: Jupiter in Sagittarius (Vision Quest & Inspiration); Saturn in Capricorn (Keeping it Real & Boundaries); Neptune in Pisces (Dreamer/Poet/Highest Spiritual Guidance); and The Full Moon in Cancer tomorrow (Nurturing & Mothering)✨🕯✨We have two additional amazing alignments today: Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces. This is Transformational Human Love flowing with the support of Divine Love. This is High Inspiration🌟Additionally we have Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is Positive & Expansive Communication with & from Source Energy🌟Stay grounded, simple, humble & steady with your life and loved ones as this heightened, yet mystically subtle Winter Solstice Energy Flows🌟Beautiful Art “The Snow Queen”by Emily Balivet🌟🕯🌟Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings 🌟🕯🌟#astrology #zodiac #horoscope

December 21, 2018

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