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April 14 Astrology 💜🏵💜Were on the exciting verge of a New Moon conjunct Uranus in Aries…PLUS…Mercury going Direct!! Hooray!! Today you can feel the energy starting to move forward! Today can be super inspiring & creative. With a really nice flow of energy between Pluto in Earthy Capricorn and Jupiter in the Waters of Scorpio the magic of making, creating & manifesting is real. Enjoy it!! And a super nice hook-up between Earthy Mars in Capricorn and Ethereal Neptune in Pisces will also boost the Creative Manifestation. Paint, Write, Dance, Sculpt and Make Music or anything else that gets your juices flowing. You won’t be able to stop. Have a great time!💜🏵💜Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology & Oracle Card Readings and Chakra /Energy Clearing Offerings 💜🏵💜#astrology #horoscope

April 14, 2018

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🌷Here’s A Postcard From Spirit (Colette Baron Reid) for you today🌷Dearest You: We have a secret for you: The More you think you know, the less you actually do! So if you are willing to keep an open mind, you will avoid the narrow confines of the “know it all”and open up to the unlimited potential that can be discovered only by the curious optimist. 🌷Curiosity allows you to discover new things, see the world from a different perspective, and find answers to questions you might not even know you have. Right now whatever is going on, it’s important to know that you are not aware of all the aspects of it you need to see to make an informed choice. You might be projecting a story that isn’t totally true. 🌷So, moving forward, your mantra could be “I don’t know “or “that’s interesting” as you keep your mind and heart open to new experiences and a richer existence over all. 🌷All of us over here want you to be all you can be. We are cheering for you. Can you hear us? #postcardsfromspirit #colettebaronreid

April 13, 2018

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A Card for You✨6 of Earth✨Unexpected resources, happy surprises, generosity. What I have sent forth in love comes back to me many times over, as the generosity of others becomes apparent and unexpected resources show up. The universe is exhibiting it’s generosity, reminding me that the world is full of pleasant surprises. Inside the pretty package is tangible aid, a gift from Spirit. Just when I was beginning to doubt, I am reminded of the treasures I am entitled to receive that show up at my door. What will I unwrap today?✨✨✨Interestingly, the Astrology for today gifts us with Venus in Taurus in positive aspect to Neptune in Pisces…Saweet!🌷💜🌷Expect Sweetness today but be sure to set the tone with your own Sweetness. Be the Nectar of Brotherly/Sisterly Love and watch what happens🌷💜🌷#tarot #astrology

April 12, 2018

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April 10 Astrology✨💙✨The Universe is conspiring to have us fall apart so we can fall back together again. “We are in a Dis-Integrating phase right now,” says Guru Singh of the effects of many long time planetary cycles ending and new ones about to be born. We are in what the Tibetans call The Bardo…the intermediate, transitional & liminal realm between death and rebirth. Chiron the Sacred Shaman of Healing planet is completing a 50 year cycle and about to be reborn showing the way for new healing to begin. Acknowledge how far you’ve come in your spiritual process and practice. Stop nitpicking about it’s imperfections, let it stand as a completed work of art and hang it in the gallery to share your journey. You are an inspiration in and of yourself on this Hero’s/Heroine’s trek trough time and space. Let the waves of birth roll in as the old disintegrates to feed the New Soul and Heart you are becoming. Knowing what that will be is futile. Trust the process with Love and Devotion to the Highest Good. Love Yourself✨💙✨#loveyourself #astrology

April 10, 2018

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