
Big Astrology✨April 15✨My goodness it’s a lot of potent & radical change happening in the sky tonight! The spotlight is on the New Moon tonight in Aries signifying not just any old New Beginning, but an extra super magnified New Beginning💫💯💫As this New Beginning is birthed it is midwifed by the Great Awakener Uranus also in Aries. Something Electrically Radical is being born in each of us⚡️👑⚡️And get this…lol…Mercury is magically & synchronistically coming out of Retrograde right at this moment to stand still in Timelessness✨💧✨For just enough Timelessness we are empowered to feel the magnitude of that Something Radically New & Bold being born in us and around us. It’s Both A Personal & Collective Activation💫⚡️🌟It’s Extra Magical Times so honor it with sacred reverence, reflection, meditation and the intention to empower your Beginners Mind/Zen Mind this month⚡️🙏⚡️Even More radical planetary shifts are happening this week Dear Ones, but more on that later. Off to bed now for Sweet New Moon Dreams so you can Rise and Shine Your Light Brightly this week✨🏵✨#Astrology #horoscope

April 16, 2018

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