
April 20 Astrology✨👁✨So we’ve just been through an intense time of turning ourselves inside out this week. It’s been a real Kundalini Awakening as we both move forward and backwards simultaneously. Time has disappeared while extending itself too✨👁✨So much planetary change has happened this week! Mercury in Aries went direct last Sunday followed by a New Moon in Aries…new beginnings all over the place!However Saturn, Good Ol’ Father Time, turned Retrograde two days after. Back to the Future continued as the Sun went into Taurus and by this Sunday Pluto in Capricorn will turn Retrograde. ✨👁✨Our Self Healing is backtracking over old ground that needs uncovering and discovering as our minds do some future tripping. The Magical Maverick inside each of us needs attention✨👁✨Listen closely this week for the inner whisperings of your Inner Maverick for potent magic only you can possibly understand. This is the threshold to the gateway of your True Inner Gold. Be bold! Stand still in the power of your Kundalini Awakening. Watch time melt, hear the musical growth of Nature, the Cosmos & your own unique pulse & rhythm being liberated.✨👁✨Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings & Prices ✨👁✨#astrology #horoscope

April 20, 2018

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