
April 17 Astrology✨🌕✨The lead up to the Libra Full Moon in Friday has already been dramatic. This is a Blue Moon being the 2nd Libra Full Moon in a row…quite rare🌕Libra represents relationships, human love, aesthetics, art, negotiation, justice and balance. The Full Moon is the tipping point🌕Today Mercury moves into Aries & is finally out of His extraordinarily long journey through Mystical & Dreamy Pisces. The shift in our thinking processes will quicken dramatically…pause before you accelerate…know where you’re going before you say those words🌕The Full Moon in Libra on Friday involves a Confrontational Initiation of some sort. If you’re sensitive you may experience this in these days leading up to The Grand Square Cross forming on Friday. The tension comes from the North and South Nodes of the Moon respectively in Cancer and Capricorn at cross angles with the Sun in Aries opposing the Full Moon in Libra🌕These are the Cardinal Signs of the Zodiac representing control issues both personally and in the greater Collective🌕It’s volatile with Eris the Disrupter/Truth Teller close by in Aries too. It’s about Power and Control with Pluto in Capricorn conjoined to our Past Karma and Saturn close by in Capricorn🌕It’s about the Divine Feminine, the Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin with our Collective Destiny North Node of the Moon) in Cancer the sign of Mothering, Nurturing, Food, Home & the Birth Sign of the USA🌕There’s a lot going on with Mother/Father Dynamics and Individual vs Relationship Needs all seeking balance yet being torn apart/burnt down/washed away/blown away, all to be transformed in the Alchemy of This Grand Cardinal Cross✨🌕✨Full Moons are always about culmination and release. This one is not that straightforward. It’s more Symbolic, though radically Felt🌕Moment by moment step into the present now moment as the past slips away. Gratitude and Compassion joined with Healthy Boundaries are an Effective Practice as Ego is demolished and Grace saves the day✨🌕✨Click on the Link to see my Astrology/Oracle Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings. My New Website coming soon! #Astrology #fullmoon

April 17, 2019

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