
March 1 Astrology✨🌕✨Full Moon in Virgo✨🌕✨A million old belief patterns are shattering and falling, revealing a new refreshing organizing pattern to our visions & dreams. Our creativity is given an earthy stabilizing force to manifest magic. Keep letting go of these old beliefs (Mars in Sagittarius) that no longer serve Your Highest Good. Root & ground in Nature, and simple homey crafts, and in service to the Collective Good (Virgo Full Moon). From here the Pisces Stellium (Sun, Mercury, Venus Exalted, Neptune & Chiron) will Create, Create, Create! ✨🌕✨Jupiter in Scorpio plugs into the Transformation of You and Your Highest Good/Highest Good of the Collective, and Miracles large & small begin to Happen. The Goddess/Intuitive/Yin Energy is super powerful aiding us all…honor The Divine Mother of all Creation and She will support you a billion times over. Let the Light Shine Through You✨🌕✨Click on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing/Balancing Offerings & Prices✨🌕✨#Astrology #fullmoon

March 1, 2018

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