
March 20 Astrology🌟Welcome to the Celestial Power Portal of Both the Full Moon in Libra at 0• AND the Spring Equinox as the Sun enters Aries tonight✨🌟✨This matchup is so Rare, so Power, so Massive…here’s the scoop🌟This is the 5th Full Moon at 0• of Infinite Possibilities, and the 3rd Super Moon in a row🙀🌟And, it’s all happening with the Full Moon in Libra, the sign of Relationships at 0• right on the Galactic Center🌟This will trigger the World Axis of our Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn )bringing Initiation, Rites of Passage, New Beginnings and Releasing the Old to the forefront 🌟Pause, Breathe🥰🌟The Equinoxes represent Balance, the time of Equal Daylight and Equal Night🌟Interestingly, Venus and Mars, Our Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine aspects will challenge each other shortly after🌟This is a Call for Balance in all of our Lives and Relationships🌟Want more?🕵️‍♂️🌟Chiron the Maverick Teacher/Healer Centaur is at 1•Aries on the World Axis pushing forward this Theme of Healing and Balance🌟If you don’t do it yourself in your own life, he’ll make sure you do with the help of his Asteroid Goddess friends Black Moon Lilith, Pallas Athena and Eris, all in full force at the moment🌟They don’t care what it takes. Pay attention. Wake up✨☀️✨But, ya know good old Mercury Retrograde in Pisces just keep plugging along, helping us review the Past, and surrounding us in Fog and Dreamtime as he aspects his Spiritual Guru Neptune 3x in his Retrograde Journey💨🌟💨It’s a long journey of Enlightenment. All is in Divine Right Timing🙏Be Gentle, Be Kind, Seeing the Other as Ourselves🌟🌟🌟#astrology #horoscope

March 20, 2019

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