
Astrology June 18✨🌞✨We approach the Celebration Summer Solstice this Thursday with many outer planets in Retrograde. Neptune slows down to join Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto today in standstill/backwards movement. Soon our inner action planet Mars will join this slowing down retro pace too. It’s like the fast car of the mental, multitasking, skating on the surface of life Gemini Season is skidding to a halt. All the unfinished business is thrown to the front of the car as we wait for the long freight train of planets to stop in the middle of the road blocking fast forward movement. It’s time to celebrate how far we’ve come and go behind the scenes to weave a new dream or riff on the melody we’ve already created. It’s gonna look like a mess for awhile to your logical mind. You’ll have to forgive that part of your brains judgement on you. The path now is internal, creative, and intuitive. It’s honoring the feels as they overcome all that mental hysteria we’ve been frying in during June. Pause to celebrate All of Creation including yourself this week. All is in Divine Right Timing✨🌞✨#horoscope #astrology

June 18, 2018

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