
#8 Balance “symbolizes balance amidst ever-present change. Every change creates a new balance-imbalance. Keep a flexible mind capable of adapting. The bipartite brain symbolizes the balance of your left and right brain. Be both analytical and creative, mathematical and poetic, intellectual and dreamy, decisive and reflective.” #voyagertarot ✨💙❤️✨This card reflects the immense swift journey of Mercury going through three signs this month! That’s pretty unusual even for Mercury at his most fleet-footed. Now in Gemini, Mercury will sail through Cancer and enter Leo by the end of May. That three different ways of seeing, interpreting and communicating your reality this month. And with mega change afoot next week on the New Moon, be ready to change and rechange your mind frequently and, hopefully with some agility and grace. #horoscope #astrology

May 10, 2018

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