🌷Here’s A Postcard From Spirit (Colette Baron Reid) for you today🌷Dearest You: We have a secret for you: The More you think you know, the less you actually do! So if you are willing to keep an open mind, you will avoid the narrow confines of the “know it all”and open up to the unlimited potential that can be discovered only by the curious optimist. 🌷Curiosity allows you to discover new things, see the world from a different perspective, and find answers to questions you might not even know you have. Right now whatever is going on, it’s important to know that you are not aware of all the aspects of it you need to see to make an informed choice. You might be projecting a story that isn’t totally true. 🌷So, moving forward, your mantra could be “I don’t know “or “that’s interesting” as you keep your mind and heart open to new experiences and a richer existence over all. 🌷All of us over here want you to be all you can be. We are cheering for you. Can you hear us? #postcardsfromspirit #colettebaronreid