FUll MOON IN TAURUSThis moon is packed with super charged electrical energy for change. There is magic afoot with its rays co-mingling with Uranus in Taurus and Venus Retrograde in ScorpioIncluded in this potency is a Grand Fixed Cross with the Karmic Nodes of Our Collective Destiny in Leo and AquariusTaurus calls us to examine our values, to know our worth, to be steady, reliableScorpio magnifies deep emotions, passion, soul searching intensityCombine all this with the Karmic Nodes about to exit a year and a half of work in Aquarius & Leo, and we start to get the Bigger Picture of where we’ve been, what lessons have been learned, where we’ve been too stubborn, how we need to learn to flow with the Cosmos, what we can now release into the River of TransformationFeet on the Earth, Eyes to the Sky, The HeartBeat is the Drum of Bodies ElectricTurn, Turn, Turn…the Wheel of Karmic Light and Shadow soon moves into The Cancer/Capricorn axisAll is WellClick on the Link in my Profile for my Astrology/Oracle Card Readings and Chakra/Energy Clearing Offerings & Prices #isabelbryna #redfeatherart